Kids and programming
click here for programming languages in our curriculum
What is Programming
C and C++,
Programming Courses in our curriculum
Lego ROBOTprogramming
Advantages of Programmming for Childeren
My First JavaScript
In todays digital world,
why learning to programm
programming drives innovation.
Frequently Ask
What will my child learn Kids and programming -"Hello World" statement participant -Kids, Youths and Adults alike
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children archieve the following competence through Coding
Would you like to learn how
to write a computer programs
Would you will like to learn how
to become a software developer?
Would you like to learn how
to make a computer do cool things?
TEB Computer Kids Academy can help
you do all these three things
Usually traditional program
that people start with in any
computer programming language
like Python,JAVA,ABAP,Html Perl
is called the
"Hello World!" program.
In this case, You write a program
that causes the computer to say,
"Hello World!". Below is how you do this
in JAVA, ABAP, Html, Perl, Python
You can change the program,
have it say "Hello John,James, Boy, Girl
or you can
have the program say anything you like.
you can say i have written
my first computer program
What happens if you do something wrong?
-wrong spelling
-Absence of puncuation marks
-misplacement of puncuation marks
-wrong syntax
what happens when you
make mistakes like these?
it will give you an error
message sometime,
and sometimes it will simply
refuse to run your program.
programming is a fundamental
skill alongside math and reading,
but too few kids have the opportunity
to learn to program
because it is rarely taught in school.
TEB Computer kids Akademy main goal
is to create a friendly
and engaging platform
where children not only learn to program,
but also have opportunities
to be creative using code.
is so important for children:
From self-driving cars to
robot-assisted surgery to social media,
computer science is revolutionizing every
aspect of our lives.
programming is a fundamental
skill that children need
to learn so they can lead this movement.
programming allows kids to be creative.
They can create projects that
do really amazing things.
programming builds confidence.
It is incredibly empowering for children
to be able to create projects
and share them with family
friends and the Whole World.
programming is best learned early.
Learning to programm is similar
to learning a second language.
The earlier that children are
exposed to fundamental topics like
sequencing, loops, and conditionals,
the more deeply they absorb these concepts.
programming translates to success
in other areas
Learning to program supports
learning in other areas,
like math, reading, and science, etc.
'computer kids Academy'
Questions like:
with TEB computer Kids Academy?
Can my children share a single account?
Do you offer discounts for multiple children?
How do I know my child is learning?
Will my subscription renew automatically?
How much time will my child
have in programm server?
Can I support Computer Kids Academy?
Do you have a satisfaction guarantee?
How can I improve successful plans?
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